Deep Expert Systems & Shallow Expert Systems

Deep Expert Systems & Shallow Expert Systems

To understand Deep and Shallow Expert Systems, we need to know what each of them entails, their simmilarities and differences, the technolgical gap and the underlying Technology. To do this I have made a list, comparing and contrasting the two:

Shallow Expert Systems vs Deep Expert Systems

  • Shallow Expert Systems are first generation architecture expert systems, and which lack causal knowledge (knowledge of the underlying causes and effects in a system) while Deep Expert Systems are second generation architecture expert systems that alleviates first generation architecture expert systems limitations.
  • Shallow Expert Systems use surface knowledge which can only represent expertise while Deep Expert Systems use deep knowledge which can represent complex structured objects using object models.
  • Shallow Expert Systems use rule-based reasoning while Deep Expert Systems combines both rule-based reasoning and model-based reasoning.
  • Shallow Expert Systems use heuristics or heuristic rules or rules of thumb, which do not guarantee optimal solutions while Deep Expert Systems use the A* algorithm which guarantees optimality by finding solutions in reasonable computation time, in terms of, number of transformations and steps of a search.


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Deep Expert Systems & Shallow Expert Systems
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