Truncated Normal Distribution
Truncated Normal Statistical Distribution
General Characteristics
- Truncated Normal Distribution is derived from a normally distributed random variable, by bounding the random variable from either below, above or both.
- Truncations can be either; one-sided of lower tail truncation, one-sided of upper tail truncation or two-sided truncation.
Specific Characteristics
Key Measures:
Mean, Standard Deviation (SD), Lower Limit, Upper Limit
Range of values:
lower limit <= x < ∞ (if the lower limit is specified),
-∞ < x <= upper limit (if the upper limit is specified) &
lower limit <= x <= upper limit (if both limits are specified)
Mean = mean
Standard Deviation, SD:
SD = sd
Truncated Normal distributions can be used to find errors in dimensions of components, like its ‘parent’ distribution – Normal distribution, but avoids the Normal distribution problem of extreme values, especially negative values.
Truncated Normal Statistical Distribution – Statistical Distributions
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