Python program to specify Number of Integers and Compute their Average

Python program to specify Number of Integers and Compute their Average

Below is the Python program that given a list of integers, computes their AVERAGE. The program expects a positive Integer as the Input to the “Number of integers to enter“, and exits gracefully with a custom message “The value you entered is a non-Integer!” otherwise. The program also checks if the numbers entered are positive integers and rejects any other type, requesting the user for a positive integer instead!


numberCount = 0
total =0
average = 0
upperLimit = input("How many numbers do you want to get the average on?: ")

if upperLimit.isdigit() == True:

 upperLimit = int(upperLimit) 

 print("Please enter {} positive numbers to calculate their average! \n\n".format(upperLimit))
 while numberCount < upperLimit:
  number = input("Enter number:")
  if number.isdigit() == True:

   number = int(number) 
numberCount += 1n total += number else: print("The value you entered is a non-Integer!") average = total / numberCount
print("\n\nYou entered {} positive numbers whose Average is: ".format(upperLimit) + str(average) + "!") else: print("The value you entered is a non-Integer!")


Python program to specify Number of integers and Compute their Average
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