Hack Architecture (Havard Architecture)

Hack Architecture (Havard Architecture)

The Hack Architecture is a unique architecture as it partitions the address space into two distinct address spaces or memories, the instruction memory and the data memory. A hack machine that is based on the hack architecture is a 16-bit Von Neumann machine that has a CPU, two memory-mapped input/output (I/O) devices, a keyboard and a screen, and two distinct address spaces or memories, the instruction memory and the data memory. The hack architecture is at times referred to as the Havard Architecture.


The implications of the Hack Architecture are that;

1. A hack machine can do a data lookup, instruction lookup and computation, all in one step.
2. Having two separate memory/address spaces in the hack architecture implies that a single-cycle fetch-execute logic can occur.


Hack Architecture (Havard Architecture)
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