What are the goals of Infrastructure Protection (IP)?

What are the goals of Infrastructure Protection (IP)?

The goals of Infrastructure Protection (IP) are;

1. To support and improve activities of risk management across critical infrastructure community and Infrastructure Protection based on the requirements as well as the best available information.
2. To ensure effective and efficient coordination and sharing of information with critical infrastructure partners to better protection as well as resilience activities during normal operations and also incidents.
3. To increase awareness of Infrastructure Protection (IP) and participation in IP’s voluntary programs, and to implement regulatory programs to better critical infrastructure protection and resilience.
4. To maintain a positive working environment which promotes achieving organization-level goals, collaboration and innovation, as well as professional goals.


The goals are effective for the development of critical infrastructure protection policy but are not sufficient. This is because protection policies require a deep look into all the tenets of risk management, which are not exhausted but the four goals. Furthermore, there are other areas besides risk management which need to be considered to develop robust, effective (working) policies.


What are the goals of Infrastructure Protection (IP)?
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