Types of Knowledge in KBS (Knowledge Based Systems)

Types of Knowledge in KBS (Knowledge Based Systems)


There are various types of knowledge in Knowledge based systems. Some of the major types include;


This is knowledge about knowledge.


Declarative Knowedge (Descriptive or Propositional Knowledge)

This is knowledge of something that is true.


Tacit Knowledge (Implicit Knowledge)

This is knowledge which is possessed by a domain expert, and that is gained through experience.


Explicit Knowledge

This is knowledge which is recorded, codified and communicated via mediums (databases, documents, libraries, etc


Control Knowledge

This is knowledge which outlines the usage of knowledge that one possess.


Domain knowledge

This consists of two types of knowledge; Domain Specific Knowledge and Domain Independent Knowledge.

– Domain Specific Knowledge

This is knowledge which contains a collection of specific facts and procedures related to the solution of a specific problem.

– Domain Independent Knowledge

This is knowledge which contains facts and information that are independent of the problem


Attributed Knowledge

This is knowledge which outlines the properties of things.


Relational Knowledge

This is knowledge which outlines associations between things.


Embedded Knowledge

This is knowledge which only exists in processes, organizational structures, day-to-day operations and cultures.


Procedural Knowledge

This is knowledge which outlines steps to be followed to perform some task or solve a problem.

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Types of Knowledge in Knowledge Based Systems (KBS)
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