Common Utility Commands for Linux-based Distributions [Linux]

Common Utility Commands for Linux-based Distributions [Linux]

The commands in this article can be run as the ROOT user without running into shortcomings. If running them as an alternate user you must request for SuperUser rights using the `sudo` special Linux command! Come back after a while for updates as they will be made subsequently.


[ Create User Accounts ]

useradd username


[ Rename a User Account ]

usermod -l newusername oldusername


[ Delete a User Account ]

userdel username


[ Change User Account Password ]

passwd username


[ Lock a User Account ]

usermod -L username


[ Unlock a User Account ]

usermod -U username


[ Create a Group ]

groupadd groupname


[ Add Users to a Group ]

usermod -a -G groupname username


[ Remove a User from a Group ]

gpasswd -d username groupname


[ Delete a Group ]

groupdel groupname


Common Utility Commands for Linux-based Distributions [Linux]
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